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Bg Etem Members Receive New Company Numbers

BG ETEM members receive new company numbers

BG ETEM is a public client within the meaning of the German Award Act

38 million insured persons in around 200000 companies benefit from the innovations of the BG ETEM

The companies insured with BG ETEM received their new company number in October 2022. As a federal corporation under public law, BG ETEM is a public contracting authority within the meaning of the Award Act and is subject to the rules in the Vergabeverordnung and the Unterschwellenvergabeordnung.

BG ETEM is responsible for 38 million insured persons in over 200000 companies from the electrical industry and electrical trade, precision mechanics and information technology. As a leader in the field of aluminium extrusion, BG ETEM bundles the know-how of its member companies and, together with them, develops innovative products and services for the construction industry and industry.

The company number is a unique identification number for companies that are registered with the BG ETEM. It is used to identify the company in all correspondence with the BG ETEM and is also required for the submission of offers in public tenders.

With the introduction of the new company number, BG ETEM is taking a further step towards digitalisation. In the future, the company number will be used for all electronic communication with the BG ETEM. This will make it easier for companies to do business with the BG ETEM and will also help to reduce administrative costs.
